Friday, 27 April 2012

San Rafael lagoon

Hello, today I going to tell you about a journey I made to San Rafael lagoon. In this time I was 15 years old around. I went with my mother and all my cousins. The journey started in Puerto Montt in this city we boarded the ship. In it had very floor, the woman (4) are in one bedroom and the man (2) in other. We traveled one week for arrive to the lagoon. In the way We went Coihaique, Puerto Aysen, and this places was very beautiful. When we arrived to San Rafael lagoon we got on a boat and the water sea crush with the boat and all people died of cold. When we was near of ice one boy gave us whisky and we must to get ice of the water. How the cold was much the boy gave us more and more whisky.
This journey was very interesting and beautiful because  I could saw natural thing that it will disappear in the future, also I shared with people very different the other countries, other age and thanks to my mother I could know very places in a Chile and Latin-American.
Good bye all and Good luck.

Acrobatic in Cotton

Hello all, today I told you about something I would like to learn this thing is acrobatic in cotton, this art is wonderful because is an acrobatic where you stylize your body and is very beautiful the created form and the people create acts amazing one time I went to the “circo del mundo”, this company is a group of artist that represent different historical episodes. In this time the show was about Lota miners, one act was about how lota miners spent her money. He went to the brothel and the prostitutes down of cotton very fast and they playing in very much in cotton. This show are amazing, wonderful and very very lovely, so for this and for I see in the street I think that this acrobatic is important for the body elongation and for created beautiful art. I think that the circus must change it must live the animals and it must dedicate to acrobatic art like “circu soleil”, or “circo del mundo”. Also I think that circu soleil is very expensive and her actors send his art to the bureaucracy and they live to the simple people without of the artistic world. And this I think this is elegant acrobatic and it can show everything in the world.