Friday, 29 June 2012


How many of this style do you know?

The only style I know is funky, because I know it when I a child but the other style never I listen it.

Which ones sound most interesting?

I think that doom can be interesting because said that is like black Sabbath and this group is very good. Also Hipster house can be interesting for the psychedelic. Youth soul and zombie rock can be interesting for the name.

the important test

Four years ago I was study in the law school in the central university. I was in this place since 2007 and this year was my second year in laws, but I began to hate the laws, I hate the people and the teacher I didn´t understand their personality or their thinking.

 So in the second semester of my second year I make a decision I was going to pay the PSU again, so I went to the bank and pay the test and when I arrived to my home I told to my mum.

But if I fail I must follow in lawyer. So I was to study for the career and for PSU. I was very nervous and I study in my free time in the university, but I studied only math and I read history.

I was very nervous, but my cousin said my “relax; the PSU is like three career signature, and you stay in the university so you can”

So with these words I followed my way. I study much time and when I was in the exam period. I must take the PSU I didn’t know how I do it but I was confident, so when it was my turn in the exam I said all things to the teacher like things shouldn´t memorize, the person must know and understand thing.

This test is very important for me because if I failed it I would have had to stay in law school, but now I win I can enter to geography with scholarship and in the second year I can live alone in the center, so thank to this test my life change I now I am a happy person but sometimes also hate geography


Travel and transport

Do you think that the bicycle is the solution for the transport?

What do you think about the bus in Santiago?

Have you travel in helicopter?

The natural world

Do you think that the planet disappears?

Do you see the sky this morning?

Do you know another continent?

Friday, 22 June 2012

I love food

I love food, above all in the beautiful or strange restaurant; I love the sea food.  With my friend all weekends we go to eat anything in the city, we know many restaurant and food, in the past I only ate Italian food or Chilean food, but now I can eat everything.  We love know new restaurant and new food, but I have a favorite its name is “Los tesoros del Inca”. This restaurant is the Peruvian food, and it is the best in the city for the moment. I love the “Pescado a lo inca”. The dish has a fish filler with oysters, shrimp and chard with a cream, and this is accompanied with sautéed potato , it is like potato  chips with paprika, purple onion, peas, etc.

This dish is the best in the world. When we go to this restaurant, my friend order different food for he can taste all dish, but I order the same all time.

This restaurant is in the center of Santiago in San Antonio with Monjitas. Is a little expensive, but I think that the money must be spend in food; because is the best in the live.

I love eat, and for this I weight gain, but for this I left the flesh I only eat sea food. But we I stay in barbecue I eat but little.

I recommend this restaurant because is wonderful, the people is very nice and you can accompany your meal with a white wine. The bottle is always cold

Friday, 15 June 2012

my birthdays


 I never celebrate my birthday but in my life I had two favorite birthdays.
When I was my 18st birthday and this year when I was my 23st birthday. The two birthdays have things in common, first many people come to my house, and second, April 30 is the best day for a birthday. The people are most relax and may 1 is holiday every year.
 I told about this year because is more enjoy than my 18st birthday also I remember the details
This year I live in apartment and in the roof of the building have barbecue, so I invite my friends to a barbecue but I never think that my san Felipe’s friends come to my house.
First come few people and in a moment we are 50 people in the roof all people eating, dancing, talking or laughing. I was ecstatic I love that people are entertained and it was many people all friend, some friends never see the other people, but all people talking with the other
In a moment come the porter to said me that all must go to my department, because the hour had passed, but I use all my delights for persuade, and wonderful, the porter said yes I all my friend and me state in the barbecue all time.
But the birthday has one thing bad, after many people came to my department and nobody wanted to do I wanted sleep. Luckily a have my boyfriend and my best friend so they were in charge of the party.
The bet is not put photographs  

Friday, 1 June 2012

Sex Pistols is a band of England, they appear in 1975 in answer to hippies, and they were responsible for initiating the punk movement in the United Kingdom and inspiring many later punk and alternative rock musicians.

They are remembered because their style was very aggressive and they hated the society, the system everything. Once they were call to visit a record company  and Sid Vicious defecated in the boss´ desk.

Sid vicious was the bassist but he never played , he was must conflictive of the group he represented the essence of punk. But he was only a character.

Because of them other bands of punk started to appear in the world, they said that the modern society didn´t allow them to  live, the society forced  human to do things  like study, work eat things, etc.

In my opinion the Spanish bands are the best of the punk. in their songs These bands  have lyrics about problems of  life or how the people felt in this time or years ago.

Also  Spain had the Spanish civil war, the punk songs speak of the injustice of the system, they  speak about the vulnerable people. People forgotten by society, or also the punks demanded things that are basic rights for all people in the world.

In my opinion the best groups of punk are the Spanish band La polla records, their best song is Alicia en el País de las mentiras. another band is el ultimo ke zierre, this is my favorite band but in the past because now they make love and this is very bad, but they have very good records like “I would be your lawyer “and other bands are sin dios, reincidentes,  ratos de poraos,  ateo gracias a dios, etc.  Along with the punk, other bands or other styles were developed like ska, the ska is more relaxed than punk. It is a mixture of reggae and punk, they speak about union race and they songs are more enjoyable and you can dance with the music.        

When I was a child and I was in the school I liked this music, now also I like this music but at the moment also dance cumbia or other enjoyable things.

Friday, 25 May 2012


Hello all

In this moment of my life I don´t do many things, but I can say that I ride a bike and I walk for the city. How I live in the center I can go to any place walk or bike.

But my favorite outdoor activity is ride a bike, in the bike you can arrive at much speeds, you can pass the car and bus. I start ride in bicycle since I was a girl. But in the past I ride only in san Felipe, this place is countryside so it haven´t a car. When I change of house and I life in Maipú I go to my grandfather in bicycle, but this was when I was 20 years old and in this moment I discovered the pleasure of ride a bike. Is very good for your health and also you can come to your places faster than the bus. Yes, you mustn’t wait, you can past the car and however you aren’t a car or a pedestrian you have a control or your movements.

I think that you must lost the scared and feel the speed. But you need are very attentive because in the city some persons in car think that they are only in the street.

I prefer ride in the street because is most fast and you don´t bother to the people in the pavement.

I think that if you wish that the city respect you must respect the city and the people, so if you ride in bicycle you must learn to ride in the street and win to the angry persons in the cars.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Walt Disney

Walt Disney try about dreams -- and making dreams come true. Walter Elias born in Chicago and he went to Hollywood to join his brother Roy. He wanted to be a movie producer or director but he failed so he decides make animation. Walter decided he needed a cartoon hero. So he make mickey. Mickey was very famous in the world but he want make other artist. Movie experts say Walt Disney was responsible for the development of the art of animation.

In nineteen fifty-five Walt Disney opened an entertainment park and now this company has many park and is very big. Her founder died in nineteen sixty-six, but Walt Disney to help people escape the problems of life through its movies and entertainment parks.


Hello all,

My favorite beach is Guanaqueros, this beach is in 4 region of Chile, it is in the south of La Serena. Since I was a girl I went to Guanaqueros with my family, first we rented a house in very big. We went with my uncles, my cousin, my mam, my grandmother and my grandfather. The holidays was wonderful we, the children played all day and after lunch we walked to the beach and swim and play all evening.

In the night we went to the town. In this place had  taca- taca, lota and pool. There is when I was I child, but when I grew up the things changes. We discover “El hoyo” in this place the people together and they were a party in the beach, when I discover this, I was older, and Guanaqueros changes for me. Then when I left my house I left my vacation with my family and one year I went with my boyfriend to show him Guanaqueros   but in this opportunity we didn´t rent a house, we stayed in courtyard of a house in a tent. I think that Guanaqueros have been with me all my life and for any reason must be.   

The other important of Guanaqueros is its food in Guanaqueros you can eat all seafood that you like. The empanadas are wonderful because it have Huentelauquen cheese and ostiones, machas, camarones, all seafood.

This place is wonderful; because her beach is beautiful and you can swim relax, her food is very good and her town have all things that you imagine.

Friday, 11 May 2012

The title of the blog in Ruben’s. It have 16 post, you can see the information of different way, her design is boring but  it have all necessary for the class. This blog have a very much photograph, but it has one that appears Michael Jackson and Freddy mercury. This is very interesting and enjoy and never seen this photo.  

The people left comment like her post are very good, or they were in the same situation etc.

the topic of my blog for this week is urbanism.

The Urbanism is the discipline that has as (sm/ the discipline have like object of study)) object of study the cities, this discipline has (ww/ have) the responsibility of study and organize the urban systems. There are different areas of urbanism

Urban design is in charge of designing the public areas and elements that are part of it.

The urban planning define the model of development of the cities, in this area is important the laws of land propriety and the right of use, it is also important the technic, political, economic, social and environment elements that define a city project.

The Urban administration is the instruments and mechanisms for the normalization of occupation and use of the urban areas. This is regulated by politics or initiatives of the local cities.

The different professionals that study the urban phenomenon are architects, economists, geographers, engineers, sociologists, anthropologists

Benefits of urbanism:

Park expansions: The construction of parks improves the air and life quality.

Recreational zones: The development of the recreational zones introduces the practice of sports.

Urban development constructions: The constructions of urban development like hospitals, highways, airports and transport increases the life quality of people as the decreasing of their travel times.

Desaturation of overpopulated zones: The desaturation of the overpopulated urban zones is possible improving the transport quality and decentralizing the developing areas. By policies of urban development it improves the life quality of people, increasing a nice atmosphere and green areas

An example of a planned city in Latin America.

Brasilia is the capital of Brazil, this city was planned in a non-urbanized area. This city has one of the highest life quality and the biggest green areas extensions.

The development of these cities depends on an(we/demas) administration system, not as a natural process.


Ruben Zambra Ramos.

Hello all:

Mmm in the internet exist much website, but my favorite website is In this website a friends group did a series of their life in los banderilleros their neighborhood.  In this serie appear “el negro”, a boy that left her house and he work in the street to park the car. Also in the series is “el zurdo”. He is a beautiful boy, and he is the marihuana dealer. Her name is zurdo because he is very scatterbrain and he always fall. The other character is “el postilla” he is kleptomaniac but he have illness that he sleep in any place and any hour.  Also in the serie is “el kaki” he is ex-military, but he never go to the war, and he was in the prison and this place he left in wheelchair.

This series is very enjoy because all episode begin with different presentation.  And her character are very entertainment. Her life is relax because they are very  illegal

Recently the series appear in tnt, Friday  12:30 am this is very bad, because anybody can see tv in this time.

I think that this is my favorite website, because is very enjoy and they laugh of the other people.  
also they show  live very different, her series dont show problems, and her characters are happy with the live and they dont need anythin for be happy, only marihuana.    

Friday, 27 April 2012

San Rafael lagoon

Hello, today I going to tell you about a journey I made to San Rafael lagoon. In this time I was 15 years old around. I went with my mother and all my cousins. The journey started in Puerto Montt in this city we boarded the ship. In it had very floor, the woman (4) are in one bedroom and the man (2) in other. We traveled one week for arrive to the lagoon. In the way We went Coihaique, Puerto Aysen, and this places was very beautiful. When we arrived to San Rafael lagoon we got on a boat and the water sea crush with the boat and all people died of cold. When we was near of ice one boy gave us whisky and we must to get ice of the water. How the cold was much the boy gave us more and more whisky.
This journey was very interesting and beautiful because  I could saw natural thing that it will disappear in the future, also I shared with people very different the other countries, other age and thanks to my mother I could know very places in a Chile and Latin-American.
Good bye all and Good luck.

Acrobatic in Cotton

Hello all, today I told you about something I would like to learn this thing is acrobatic in cotton, this art is wonderful because is an acrobatic where you stylize your body and is very beautiful the created form and the people create acts amazing one time I went to the “circo del mundo”, this company is a group of artist that represent different historical episodes. In this time the show was about Lota miners, one act was about how lota miners spent her money. He went to the brothel and the prostitutes down of cotton very fast and they playing in very much in cotton. This show are amazing, wonderful and very very lovely, so for this and for I see in the street I think that this acrobatic is important for the body elongation and for created beautiful art. I think that the circus must change it must live the animals and it must dedicate to acrobatic art like “circu soleil”, or “circo del mundo”. Also I think that circu soleil is very expensive and her actors send his art to the bureaucracy and they live to the simple people without of the artistic world. And this I think this is elegant acrobatic and it can show everything in the world.

Friday, 30 March 2012

internet tool

Hello all I hope that you have been good in the short summer. Today I told you about my favorite internet tool, I don´t Know how work internet so I have and I need Gmail, Facebook and the university website, but exist a website very enjoy his name is  in this website some people upload very photos and videos very enjoy. In New Year upload a photograph of Valparaiso in Cumming Rise the police car that we call "zorrillo" went up the street and people ran for their lives. This photo is not enjoying, but is a very good photo. Other tool is you tube I think that is the most important website in the internet because in this website you can find everything. The other day I watched beetlejuice and a love it. In you tube you can listen music, watch enjoy videos, see videos showing how do things in arcgis, yoga ‘class etc.  You tube is the salvation for anything that you don´t know. Also the other important tool is google because if internet don´t have google internet don´t function.
I think that everyone use Google for do work for university, search thing for example recipes, names, disc, and the other personal ithems.

So internet is important for life in this time, because enjoy, reports, and communicate with your people  


Monday, 23 January 2012

my favorite music video

Hello all

Today I go to write about music video of Backstreet boys.
When I was a child In the my grandfather house has cable tv so I and my cousins called to mtv and we asked for music video, our favorite music video was Everybody of backstreet boys. This music video was the favorite, because we liked backstreet boys and In this music video they were in a haunted house and in the night they started to become in a scary man. Brian was wolf man, nick was mummy, Kevin was Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde and the rest were Dracula, and phantom of the opera. Then all they dance together. I remember only these two names. If you remember the rest you can tell me in a post.
I choose this music video, because in the actually I don´t see music video and I don´t know about this topic, but now I see backstreet boys and in my opinion the music video is very good and it is very ingenious and the characters are very good.
This link will show you the music video I hope you enjoy and remember it. I know that is very old, but sometimes is enjoy remember things of the past.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


I never going to the stadium, but this day was wonderful. I went to the stadium of union española to see union san felipe, this day was spring, and union san felipe played with guarani a soccer group of Uruguay. I went with tonin, peguin, seba, cristian, etc. they arrived in Santiago in a microbus. This car had been leased in san felipe and it brought much people.
 When we get together, we went to the chair and we showed the posters. In this time in union san felipe played the magician, he is a good player soccer, but now he play in colo colo. This day, the magician played very good well all group played very well. They won 3-1.

Never before I had been in important game. San felipe was the unique soccer group in this championship, I and my friend felt very proud. Also a lot of people travel to Santiago for see the game.
I think that this game was the best game of my life I hope that union san felipe in the future play very good and it can win a cup. Also I hope that it does`t sell her player.
This is my history and my wishes 

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

the horoscope

Hello all, happy new year, this New Year started very good for me, I went to Valparaiso In this city I danced, walked and I saw fireworks. I and my friends were very happy.
Simon said that this year is the dragoon year in Chinese horoscope, I saw my Chinese horoscope and I am snake, is very good, because this animal is fantastic and represent the demon. Also the snake is stealth and dangerous.
But in the Chinese horoscope the snake represent a thoughtful person and for think much she is jealous and possessive.
For my birthday I am earth snake this is a just personality, I know  the tarot, horoscope, and I believe in this, but I wish that the prediction are true. Because only said good things I hope that this year will be better than last year.
In the normal horoscope I am tauro, and this sign is similar snake. I read the horoscope in the periodic and for this work I read the Chinese horoscope and I think that is very interesting because it have a history. The story said that buda called her animals and just arrived 12 and he gave to each one year and they gave the luck to people.